voice made for sake of change, is the voice which counts.

here are the topics related to daily lifestyle, photography, trending issues, humanity, pets ,health and fitness and many more. basically, this is the epitome of way of living.i welcome you get the solutions regarding problems which aren't given any importance.

Saturday 9 May 2020

excess of everything is bad!

this old proverb guides us to do anything in moderation. balance in all aspects is needed to attain equilibria of life. not a single component/unit of an infrastructure is replacable.
here is the list of some natural disasters took place in india caused due to demolition of ''mother nature''.(in 20s)

1. gujrat earthquake 2001

2.indian heat wave 2002

3. indian ocean tsunami 2004

4. bihar flood 2007

5. mumbai catastrophes 2005

6. kedarnath tragedy 2013

history is evident; wherever we have used more than required, it always led to tragedy and trauma.
and now come the ''TECH DISASTER'', of which this is prelude. guys! that's social media.
stay here with me continuously to know the cause.


every indian smartphone comprises of 3-4 foreign application.usage of these is increasing day by day.
you all are well-aware of it.

. facebook.

. whatsapp

. tik-tok



Wednesday 29 April 2020

knock knock!...you love eating shit?

1. can ''INDIAN VEGAN DIET'' suffice the metabolic requirements of the body?

2. is it actually inevitable to your way towards a DIETICIAN? 

3.is it appreciably better supplementing your body with market protein shakes, pollen supplements, etc??

Ummm.....well...everyone in this world has an unparalleled point of view to make a judgment on this theme.


lemme explain to you..!
  • the cell the fundamental and functional unit of the whole body.
  • the membrane surrounding the cell is the plasma membrane.

  • The principal components of the plasma membrane are lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol), proteins, and carbohydrate groups that are attached to some of the lipids and proteins.




lemme tell you guys it's up to you.that's your personal choice.

but the truth is that there's absolutely nothing, which INDIAN DIET has missed yet.

  1. protein shake v/s chappatithe former provides you with

    a. preservative, of course, 

    b.there will always be a side effect

    c.expensive; all can't afford it

    d.gives you the muscle volume but not the strength.

the later provides you with-

a. freshly prepared.
b. don't allow all-round development around your tummy
c. abundant protein

easy to digest.

e.other than that it could be called the epitome of health as it contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and ions along with proteins.

Carbohydrates: 46.36 g
Sugars: 2.72

Dietary fiber: 4.9 g

Fat:7.45 g

Protein: 11.25 g

Thiamine (B1): 0.55 mg

Riboflavin (B2): 0.2 mg

Niacin (B3): 6.78 mg

Pantothenic acid (B5): 0 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.270 mg

Folate (B9): 0 μg

Vitamin E: 0.88 mg

Vitamin K: 0 μg

Calcium: 93 mg

Iron 23% 3 mg

Magnesium: 62 mg

Manganese: 0 mg

Phosphorus: 184 mg

Potassium: 266 mg

Sodium: 409 mg

Zinc: 1.57 mg

also, the chapati is a great source of carbohydrate instead of packaged slices of bread, oatmeal, soups or be it anything

nothing is best than the freshly prepared food in-home (in all aspects )


''think before you eat''

and here comes the real sarcasm...


these sites are supplying individuals with carbohydrate supplements. think if you see a pamphlet of oxygen supplement on this planet.
ain't trying to demotivate any of these respected websites.


you are selling the same glucose, the same starch, same fructose in 1,00,000 other forms on which a person spends 10-15% of his monthly income..

is preservated juice a better choice?

the choice is definitely yours

fruits are power-packed with essential nutrients and minerals we require for the day and so do fruit juices; after all, juices are a byproduct of fruits, right? Juicing fruits has become a convenient alternative to quickly consume important nutrients. While there are benefits to drinking fruit juice, it may not be as good as a whole fruit.

1. fruits are better when you wanna intake fiber.

2. our fecal matter consists of 10-20% of roughage and dietary fiber. disturbance of this proportion results in constipation, indigestion, hemorrhoids.

3.extremely bad for diabetic persons.

4.good in weightloss journey as well as in maintaining it.
the given data accomplishes criteria of home-extracted juices,now you may think about those,which you get from market.
another irony;-

about 90%of the working mothers serve their children every day with this kinda food  .which retards them physically and  mentally 

conclusion; we must nay no to junk food, and intake of healthy and fresh foods must be promoted.companies providing you with this useless junk are not only vanishing country's currency but also adversely affecting your mental and physical status.those who sell you this creep don't eat the same. they have a healthy lifestyle and fitness as well. these eatables have certain flavor stimulating enzymes/chemicals,which when taken once ;turn into addiction. your tongue then recognises and responds only to the higher dose just like a drug! beware. give your health utmost priority.
''healthier you eat,longer you live''

Tuesday 28 April 2020

lockdownn :8 creative quarantine photo ideas

he pros make it look easy, but anyone who has ever tried to photograph an unpredictable creature like a cat or a dog knows it is anything but. Here are some pet photography tips that the pros use to help you ‘get the perfect shot’.

1.set the camera to pet portrait.

2.try to capture their gestures

3.make them look funky

4.use vintage

2.utilization OF NATURAL RESOURCE.

Photography in SunlightPhotography is all about light, the direction of the light falling on your subject is most important, you need to look at your subject carefully and watch how the shadows fall. ... The metering system has exposed for the highlights, as it should, and allowed the shadow areas to be underexposed.


With an unknown amount of empty days stretching before many of us, we wouldn't surprised if you were tempted to venture into the kitchen and try your hand at some new recipes (if you can find the ingredients!). However, why not combine your culinary passions with your photography hobby and try capturing beautiful shots of your scrumptious creations.


The basic idea behind making such a centerpiece is to take a vase, a bowl, or any other glass vessel and fill it with water. Next, you need to put there some candles and flowers on it. That could be orchids, roses, lilies, and any other flowers you like. You can use whole flowers as simply their petals.


A fantastic image would induce the viewer to reach in their computer screen and grab the tool and perform something, so at least play a fast installation –a “decorative” one. At this point it just has to look good; the real setup may be taken care of later on.


cascading water is exciting to watch and photograph. Raging rivers also make beautiful photographs. Surging white water rapids, briny mist, and cascading spray are all the elements you need for a great picture.

>Use a shutter speed of 1/15 of a second or slower.

>Use a low ISO setting


Food makes an excellent subject for still life photography, and you can achieve some incredibly artistic results. But great food photography means more than just snapping what’s on your dinner plate. Just like any other photography genre, there are certain rules that you need to follow to make the most of the stunning colorstextures, and shapes.

1. Shoot In Natural Light

2. Take Control Of The Shadows

3. Use A Neutral Background

4. Shoot From The Best Angle


Flowers and leaves are often the first things that come to mind when we look for subjects in our own gardens. They offer an endless variety of colors, shapes, and textures for you to photograph. You could create a collection based on a single color scheme, or try to find as many different leaf or flower shapes as possible.

Monday 27 April 2020

you; yes you are creating a difference between life and death


well, I don't think so.
 have a glance here
the phrase ''a picture is worth a thousand words''; is truly stated here. do you observe these stray animals aspiring humans feed them satisfactorily?

the desire for delicacies or just food?
in this critical circumstance of lockdown, while we're manipulating groceries as seen from youtube, they are looking for your leftover food to satisfy their hunger. they don't require delicacies but just some food to avoid starvation. I humbly request you all not to send'em despondent.

try to see a soul, a life, and most importantly a living being in them.I really become grief-stricken when I see them getting beaten by house owners for no reason. nobody gives you the right to hurt them anyway. just stay away in that case.

these creatures always get my 98 percent of attention than a human in the same situation,
because the worst reality about being an animal is:-
1. they can't oppose this injustice,
2. remain silent and
3.visit your home repeatedly if you feed'em once.

and meanwhile, you become frustrated as they block the passage, and start punishing for no well-explained reason.

please don't rush behind the glory.

lots of NGOs, government programs, donations are helping the unfortunate ones to cope up with the tragedy.

pay heed to those, whom you left behind the hustle and bustle.

''let's put an effort together to see their souls smiling and eyes sparkling.''


knock knock!...you love eating shit?

1. can ' 'INDIAN VEGAN DIET'' suffice the metabolic requirements of the body? 2. is it actually inevitable to your way tow...