this old proverb guides us to do anything in moderation. balance in all aspects is needed to attain equilibria of life. not a single component/unit of an infrastructure is replacable.
here is the list of some natural disasters took place in india caused due to demolition of ''mother nature''.(in 20s)
1. gujrat earthquake 2001
2.indian heat wave 2002
3. indian ocean tsunami 2004
4. bihar flood 2007
5. mumbai catastrophes 2005
6. kedarnath tragedy 2013
history is evident; wherever we have used more than required, it always led to tragedy and trauma.
and now come the ''TECH DISASTER'', of which this is prelude. guys! that's social media.
stay here with me continuously to know the cause.
every indian smartphone comprises of 3-4 foreign application.usage of these is increasing day by day.
you all are well-aware of it.
. facebook.
. whatsapp
. tik-tok
an american social media,developed by mark zuckerberg. mark himelf spends 50-60 hours a week on facebook. that means at an average,7 hours per day. and his every second counts and pay him million dollars . he is absolutely in ground business, with lead baton. this keeps him engaged,
but have you ever thought what keeps us engaged?...take your time and think.
till then let me explain it's pros and cons to you.
mark zuckerberg says-''spending less time on facebook is a good thing''-
1. it helps you to connect to the people worldwide with unfathomably infinite boundaries.
2. aggregates the like minded individuals together. keep them bounded.
3. better option for business. more than 70% of the world population is involved in online shopping ;thus, saving time and money. this way you can make comparison between different products also.
4. last but not the least. the best thing about it is ''free of cost''. and it's human tendency to go wild for ''free'' things available ,no matter whether it suffices their requirement or not.
1. that's universal truth. nothing is perfect and investigation,you will be able to observe that we are the one ''creating cons'' and making things complicated.
2. leakage of you privacy by hacker groups active on internet.
3. time consuming.( don't give me that look..ok? now you will be saying mark zuckerberg is spending 7 hours on facebook in a day. but you people don't have an empire like facebook to invest upon.
he is millionaire because of his time investment. if you are passenger of same journey , then continue. if not, then cut down your usage hours.)
4. notice the family members sitting together on dining table for meals. thanks to the special feature of self -conciousness which only humans have. this defining property of life enable you to put food in mouth only. it's absence would have made it difficult to concentrate on food and phone together,.
a big thanks to this co-ordinated system provided by almighty!
founder,headquaters, parent organisation of whatsapp is well known to you or anybody can google it.
i don't wanna spare your time for information of which you are well-aware.
know more about whatsapp-
so let's start talking about.....
as i said earlier, the use of technology makes it boon or bane. same theorem of pros and cons is applied for this social platform too.
utilization of any resource in a positive, useful, and anabolic way helps you build a healthy and ideal society. but when it is over-exploited for our greed,leads to destruction.
1. you are extremely vulnerable to the predators.
by predators i mean, those notorious social elements which use your information to harm humanity .this is all because your contact number and picture is visible to all having your contact number.
2. of course! time consuming.
3. most important one is degrading morals, values and relations along with them. we always are willing to spend time with our family and children on weekends. but irony is that, those priceless moments always go in vain because of this over-use of social media. before wishing your elders a good morning, we wake up at 4 AM to put morning message on our whatsapp status.
4. well known for circulation of fake news. ill-famed for instigating sensitive agendas of our country.
man in police net for spreading whatsapp rumour on corona virus.-
tik -tok
and here is the most explodable , trending one. invented by chinese company officialy. earned $2.5 billion of revenue. as a result of it's popularity among children, teenagers, and adults , it has become the most downloadable app in the world.
INDIANS have taken lead in tik -tok making and enormously producing risin superstars like mr. faisal, jannat zubair, team 07 and many more talented and brilliant personalities.
tik tok users in india who became stars-
why INDIANS have taken lead in musically.-
prominent politician SHASHI THAROOR from the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS party told that apps like tik tok are a ''NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT' and Indians are vulnerable to spying through this application.
keeping all demerits of this app at a side, it can be claimed that it has become threat to humanity. because, none of the tik tok stars till date have contributed to cope up with this pandemic . not only that, they never showed themselves on television to speak up few word of sympathy on this extremely serious issue.
although tik tok itself has donated 100 crores, but that won't make a difference of thinking.
there is need to feel responsibility toward the country and countrymen. the nation whose public turned you into star/celebrity with their love deserves a lot!
tell me ! if i'm wrong.?
the stats od google, twitter, youtube. pinterest,linkedln, and instagram are here.!
you could see here the factors of social media ,influencing our nation's future. all facts , figures and stats of cyber crimes are readily increasing with often use of social media.i request you all to read it once!
please have a glance at this report and thereafter you will be able to conclude that not only tik tok, or not a single social app is responsible . all of them together have made a boundary with four corners,which we aren't even trying to cross.
REMEMBER! purpose of this content is neither to criticize something nor to hurt some one's sentiments. but over-usage must stop!..we always get attracted by merits, and trapped by demerits.
once you are trapped, congragulate yourself. you start moving on with the flow with a blindfold on your eyes.
here is the list of some natural disasters took place in india caused due to demolition of ''mother nature''.(in 20s)
1. gujrat earthquake 2001
2.indian heat wave 2002
3. indian ocean tsunami 2004
4. bihar flood 2007
5. mumbai catastrophes 2005
6. kedarnath tragedy 2013
history is evident; wherever we have used more than required, it always led to tragedy and trauma.
and now come the ''TECH DISASTER'', of which this is prelude. guys! that's social media.
stay here with me continuously to know the cause.
every indian smartphone comprises of 3-4 foreign application.usage of these is increasing day by day.
you all are well-aware of it.
. facebook.
. tik-tok
an american social media,developed by mark zuckerberg. mark himelf spends 50-60 hours a week on facebook. that means at an average,7 hours per day. and his every second counts and pay him million dollars . he is absolutely in ground business, with lead baton. this keeps him engaged,
but have you ever thought what keeps us engaged?...take your time and think.
till then let me explain it's pros and cons to you.
mark zuckerberg says-''spending less time on facebook is a good thing''-
1. it helps you to connect to the people worldwide with unfathomably infinite boundaries.
2. aggregates the like minded individuals together. keep them bounded.
3. better option for business. more than 70% of the world population is involved in online shopping ;thus, saving time and money. this way you can make comparison between different products also.
4. last but not the least. the best thing about it is ''free of cost''. and it's human tendency to go wild for ''free'' things available ,no matter whether it suffices their requirement or not.
1. that's universal truth. nothing is perfect and investigation,you will be able to observe that we are the one ''creating cons'' and making things complicated.
2. leakage of you privacy by hacker groups active on internet.
3. time consuming.( don't give me that look..ok? now you will be saying mark zuckerberg is spending 7 hours on facebook in a day. but you people don't have an empire like facebook to invest upon.
he is millionaire because of his time investment. if you are passenger of same journey , then continue. if not, then cut down your usage hours.)
4. notice the family members sitting together on dining table for meals. thanks to the special feature of self -conciousness which only humans have. this defining property of life enable you to put food in mouth only. it's absence would have made it difficult to concentrate on food and phone together,.
a big thanks to this co-ordinated system provided by almighty!
founder,headquaters, parent organisation of whatsapp is well known to you or anybody can google it.
i don't wanna spare your time for information of which you are well-aware.
know more about whatsapp-
so let's start talking about.....
as i said earlier, the use of technology makes it boon or bane. same theorem of pros and cons is applied for this social platform too.
utilization of any resource in a positive, useful, and anabolic way helps you build a healthy and ideal society. but when it is over-exploited for our greed,leads to destruction.
1. you are extremely vulnerable to the predators.
by predators i mean, those notorious social elements which use your information to harm humanity .this is all because your contact number and picture is visible to all having your contact number.
2. of course! time consuming.
3. most important one is degrading morals, values and relations along with them. we always are willing to spend time with our family and children on weekends. but irony is that, those priceless moments always go in vain because of this over-use of social media. before wishing your elders a good morning, we wake up at 4 AM to put morning message on our whatsapp status.
4. well known for circulation of fake news. ill-famed for instigating sensitive agendas of our country.
man in police net for spreading whatsapp rumour on corona virus.-
tik -tok
and here is the most explodable , trending one. invented by chinese company officialy. earned $2.5 billion of revenue. as a result of it's popularity among children, teenagers, and adults , it has become the most downloadable app in the world.
INDIANS have taken lead in tik -tok making and enormously producing risin superstars like mr. faisal, jannat zubair, team 07 and many more talented and brilliant personalities.
tik tok users in india who became stars-
why INDIANS have taken lead in musically.-
prominent politician SHASHI THAROOR from the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS party told that apps like tik tok are a ''NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT' and Indians are vulnerable to spying through this application.
keeping all demerits of this app at a side, it can be claimed that it has become threat to humanity. because, none of the tik tok stars till date have contributed to cope up with this pandemic . not only that, they never showed themselves on television to speak up few word of sympathy on this extremely serious issue.
although tik tok itself has donated 100 crores, but that won't make a difference of thinking.
there is need to feel responsibility toward the country and countrymen. the nation whose public turned you into star/celebrity with their love deserves a lot!
tell me ! if i'm wrong.?
the stats od google, twitter, youtube. pinterest,linkedln, and instagram are here.!
you could see here the factors of social media ,influencing our nation's future. all facts , figures and stats of cyber crimes are readily increasing with often use of social media.i request you all to read it once!
please have a glance at this report and thereafter you will be able to conclude that not only tik tok, or not a single social app is responsible . all of them together have made a boundary with four corners,which we aren't even trying to cross.
REMEMBER! purpose of this content is neither to criticize something nor to hurt some one's sentiments. but over-usage must stop!..we always get attracted by merits, and trapped by demerits.
once you are trapped, congragulate yourself. you start moving on with the flow with a blindfold on your eyes.
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